Tagging Full Name in Stanford NER

故事扮演 提交于 2020-04-15 04:09:19


Im trying to tag full name as a complete tag(one person) instead of individual tags. Here is an example.

http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/ner/process (Stanford NER online)

Example sentence: Muhammad Ali was a great boxer. Ali's greatest rival was Joe Frazier. The name can also be written as M. Ali and J. Frazier.

This is my existing PHP code`

$text = "Muhammad Ali was a great boxer. Ali's greatest rival was Joe Frazier. The name can also   be written as M. Ali and J. Frazier";

$pos = new \StanfordNLP\NERTagger(
$result = $pos->tag(explode(' ', " $text")); 

foreach ($result as $eType)

    if(!(strcmp($eType[1], 'PERSON')))
         echo "Word ".$eType[0]." of Stanford entity type PERSON</br>";                   


Nevermind, I was able to solve it on my own. Basically, I focused on combining words if the previous word was also of the entity type person. This is the code that I came up with

        ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); //300 seconds = 5 minutes
        require "./php_aho_corasick-master/AhoCorasickPHP-master/AhoCorasick.php";
        require "./php_aho_corasick-master/AhoCorasickPHP-master/TreeNodes.php";

        require './NER/StanfordNLP/Base.php';
        require './NER/StanfordNLP/Exception.php';
        require './NER/StanfordNLP/Parser.php';
        require './NER/StanfordNLP/StanfordTagger.php';
        require './NER/StanfordNLP/NERTagger.php';
        $text= "Muhammad Ali was a great boxer, Ali's greatest rival was Joe Frazier, The name can also be written as M. Ali and J. Frazier.";
        $pos = new \StanfordNLP\NERTagger(
        $a="Answer not found";
        //$pos->setJavaPath('C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_45/bin');
        $result = $pos->tag(explode(' ', " $text")); 


        foreach ($result as $eType) {

            echo $i." ".$FullName."</br>";
            if(!(strcmp($eType[1], 'PERSON')))
                if(!(strcmp($previousType, 'PERSON')) && !(strcmp($FullName, "")))
                    $FullName=$previousValue." ".$eType[0];
                else if(!(strcmp($previousType, 'PERSON')) && (strcmp($FullName, "")))
                    $FullName=$FullName." ".$eType[0];
                else if(!(strcmp($a, "Answer not found")) && !(strcmp($FullName, "")))
                else if((strcmp($FullName, "")))
                    $FullName=$FullName." or ".$eType[0];


        echo $FullName;


