AWS - Can't detaching network interfaces - You are not allowed to manage 'ela-attach' attachments

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-04-10 07:08:30


I did the AWS mysfits tutorial and I thought the cleanup would be as simple as deleting the Cloud Formation stack. However, items failed to delete so I am trying to clean them up manually to assist the Cloud Formation stack deletion.

I keep getting an error when trying to Detach the network interfaces (I am logged into the root account):

Error detaching network interfaces:

eni-0047gfhfgh8ab0e: You are not allowed to manage 'ela-attach' attachments.
eni-0f4a46hgfha757e: You are not allowed to manage 'ela-attach' attachments.

I am unable to delete my VPC without these being deleted.

The stack as a whole is failing to delete because of the following: The following resource(s) failed to delete: [InternetGateway, PublicSubnetTwo, VPC, GatewayAttachement, PublicSubnetOne].


I had this same issue. For me, I had to delete an Endpoint Service associated with my ELB first, then I could start to get rid of the network interfaces that were set up.


I had the same issue, which gave me the following message:

This could be because there is a service in use which still uses the network interface. You could try some of the following things:

  • Remove unused VPC links from API gateway
  • Remove unused VPC Endpoint services
  • Remove unused NAT gateways
  • Remove unused ECS/EKS clusters
  • Remove unused load balancers

If that doesn't help, there is something wrong/stuck on the underlying OS, you should wait for it to resolve by itself or report it. I had an ENI deployed by a Lambda function after deleting the lambda function, the ENI got stuck. After 12 hours the issue still persists.


Try to verify if you have a EFS mount target asociated at the ENI and delete it, after try to delete the network interface that's work for me.


I had the same issue. The root problem is that it won't let you delete anything because everything has something else dependent on it. The solution was to scroll down below the list of each type of resource and find the right tab to edit/delete the connections to other resources. Once those are gone, you will be able to delete the resource at the top of the page. I'm not sure which break ultimately enabled the cloudformation to delete successfully, but just going through the VPC dashboard and hitting each of these should fix the problem.


The problem for me was that my load balancer was created with "Deletion protection" enabled. I logged on to AWS console, found my load balancer and edited its attributes setting "Deletion protection" to false. This allowed me to delete the load balancer and everything else.


if error occurs on network interface deletion , wait until NAT gateway and internet gateway entry removes on the respective page. Otherwise remove public or static IP associate with service in the vpc


  1. Modify the VPC Endpoint Service to reject VPC Endpoint (deselect Require acceptance for endpoint)
  2. Delete the VPC Endpoint Service
  3. Continue deleting other resources or try again the stack deletion task in Cloudformation.

The VPC Endpoint Service deletion is restricted by the no longer existing VPC Endpoint.

