Git clone from bash script

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-04-07 18:50:28


I am trying to automate my interactions with Git building a script and I am having the following problem.

This works from the command line:

git clone /Users/myname/dev/myfolder

And now I would like to do the same, but from my script. I have the following:




git clone $repository" "$localFolder

that gives me this error

GitHub SSH access is temporarily unavailable (0x09). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Any light on this will be much appreciated


You mean git clone "$repository" "$localFolder", I'd hope?

Running git clone $repository" "$localFolder is something quite different:

  • Because neither variable is within double quotes, their contents are string-split and glob-expanded; thus, if they contained whitespace (generally, characters within $IFS), they could become multiple arguments, and if they contained globs (*, [...], etc), those arguments could be replaced with filenames (or simply removed from the generated argument list, if the nullglob shell option is enabled)
  • Because the space between the two arguments is quoted, they are combined into a single argument before being passed to git.

So, for the values you gave, what this script runs would be:

git clone " /Users/myname/dev/myfolder"

...which is quite different from

git clone /Users/myname/dev/myfolder it is giving the /Users/myname/dev/myfolder path as part of the URL.

