Import data with leading zeros - SQL Server

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-04-07 08:38:29


I'm trying to import data into a table. I'm doing a bulk insert. I've created the table using a CREATE statement where all fields are nvarchar(max). I cannot understand why when the import is done, the data with leading zeros has been changed to scientific notation. Why does it not stay as text and preserve the leading zeros?


I suggest that you define the number of zeros that do you want and then make an update. Here is an example with 10 zeros.

create table #leadingZeros(uglynumber nvarchar(max),handsomenumber nvarchar(max),nicenumber nvarchar(max))
INSERT INTO #leadingZeros VALUES(1000000,0000123,0500000)

SELECT * FROM #leadingZeros
--uglynumber    handsomenumber  nicenumber
--1000000   123     500000
UPDATE #leadingZeros SET 

SELECT * FROM #leadingZeros
--uglynumber    handsomenumber  nicenumber
--0001000000    0000000123  0000500000

