Facebook offline conversions without customer data associating with ad reporting

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-03-25 19:07:09


I have ads on Facebook driving traffic to our site. I set this on land

fbq('init', 'my_id', {
  external_id: "d1fd01cb777cdcdbf5161db889bf841e"

and later if we have an actual purchase I send an offline purchase event using extern_id to match on.

  :match_keys => {
    :extern_id => "d1fd01cb777cdcdbf5161db889bf841e"
  :event_time => 1579464000,
  :event_name => "Purchase",
  :value => 5.0,
  :currency => "USD",
  :order_id => "8431715",
  :custom_data => {
    :event_source => "affiliate"

however I am not seeing the offline events associated with the ads.

Has anyone else had this issue and have they found a solution??


Davinj, if I understood you correctly, you try to send pixel events giving your extren_id and then matching it back to customers who made a purchase as offline conversions? I see several issue with this:

  1. You have your extern_id in pixel's init code instead of event itself. Like standard conversions or at least page view. Also you call it extrn[al]_id which is inconsistent with extern_id.

  2. I doubt that such scenario would work in the first place as offline conversions do not usually play well with pixel and might not be able to have the parameter from pixel as a match key. Even if the do, which you might find via testing, you'll still have to send other match keys to identify the FB user like email, phone number, etc. Here are docs explicitly recommending that: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/offline-conversions#extern-id

  3. When you have a consistent pixel setup and can see proper events with corresponding parameters, you'll be able to see if you idea is viable.

  4. Generally FB explicitly says that extern_id is a user identifier in you system and probably has to be different for every customer. It can be send as a lonely match key only after you already used it once with other match cases to identify an FB user. Otherwise FB just skips such events and you'll see nothing.

Hope it helps.


@Davinj, There is another way to send offline events via server-side-api to your pixel's dataset: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/server-side-api

I think these should match up as they show in the same pixel when using event manager.

I had the same assumptions as you but I think their offline conversions is for people who didn't land on your site before converting. Maybe just saw your advert or something.

