How to enable CSS editing in Intellij

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-03-21 20:04:22


I just switched to IntelliJ IDEA because I thought it would be great for developing JavaFX application.

I must be doing something wrong because when I am editing a CSS file, there is no code-completion. When I am trying to create a new CSS file there is no option for CSS files.

I am using the community version of IntelliJ.

I have looked very long for an answer, and it hurts that I have to ask here! I hope someone can help me.


CSS editor is not supported for community edition, as it said at the language support part of IntelliJ IDEA Editions Comparison


You can get help from community edition plugins page. For CSS editor, SmarterEditor and Shifter plugins may be helpful.


Yes, the CSS editor is not supported for the community version of Intellij , in my case adding plugins did not work but something that helped me was the answer :-

You just need to create a new "file" rather than a directory, package or Java class and save the file with the .css extension.

that I got from here Need IntelliJ Ultimate Edition to run CSS?


The short answer is no, at least at the moment. The best solution i for me so far is to open the resources folder in Atom editor and do all UI work there. It's handy because you also run atom live server, and not have to restart the application. Also Preview HTML is another very useful plugin.

