SQL 分页查询的两种思路

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-03-09 06:46:44

—sql 2000


select top 7 * from  table order by col asc


select top(7*2) from table order by col asc 


select top 7 * from table where col not in 
(select top (7*(2-1)) col from table order by col asc)
order by col asc


select top 7 * from table where col not in 
(select top (7*(5-1)) col from table order by col asc)
order by col asc

—sql 2005--------使用row_Number()实现分页

select *,rN=row_number() over(order by col asc) from table 

–rN (8-1)7+1…87

select *
from  (select *,rN=row_number() over(order by col asc) from table) as t
where t.rN between (8-1)*7+1 and 8*7


select * from Orders
select *,rN=ROW_NUMBER() over (order by OrderId asc) from Orders

select * from 
(select *,rN=ROW_NUMBER() over (order by OrderId asc) from Orders) as t
where t.rN between (12-1)*10+1 and 12*10