How does Snowflake handle NULL values?

无人久伴 提交于 2020-03-05 05:59:28


For example, in my dataframe I have a column of NULL values that I plan to edit later, let's say for letter grades. Here is some example for now:

import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('MOCK_DATA.csv')


   id first_name last_name                     email  null field  blank_field
0   1      Paule    Tohill       False         NaN
1   2       Rebe   Slyford        True         NaN
2   3   Angelita    Antoni       False         NaN
3   4      Giffy      Dehm       False         NaN
4   5        Rob    Beadle       False         NaN

I want to import the data to later change the blank_field column's type. I understand how to use SQLAlchemy with the Python connector.

df.to_sql(con=con, name='Grades', if_exists='replace', flavor='mysql')

Do I need to specify anything here to change the blank_field -column? How will Snowflake handle the NaN values?


The column length will be the max of the longest value inserted or VARCHAR(16777216) if the column only contains NULL.

Then you can increase the size of the varchar column after creating the table but you can't decrease it. (Only very limited cases where you wouldn't be suited to using VARCHAR(MAX). Your only charged for what you actually store and the performance is based on the max length of the data, not the allowable limit).

create or replace temp table x as
select $1 as c1,$2 as c2
from values

desc table x;

create or replace temp table y as
select $1 as c1,$2 as c2
from values

desc table y;

create or replace temp table z as
select $1 as c1,$2 as c2
from values

desc table z;

