Sending dynamic variables in sendgrid v3 body using postman

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-02-25 07:01:48


I am trying to send the emails via Sendgrid using v3 API using postman, I have created 3 separate variables in 3 different requests, I want to pass all those 3 variables in a single mail, for that I have used below sendgrid
with below body

  "personalizations": [
      "to": [
          "email": "",
          "name": "API Testing"
      "subject": "API testing successful"
  "from": {
    "email": "",
    "name": "API Testing"
  "content": [
      "type": "text/plain",
      "value": "{{variable1}}"  //In variable1 has a dynamic values

but the above format sending the mail body as {{Variable1}}, can someone help me on this?


From what I understand of the question you want to send multiple requests with different values.

Say, GET to{{search}} and you have multiple search queries, (dog, chess, marvel, stackoverflow)

  • Create a collection in postman
  • Add a GET request to{{search}} with necessary headers and hit Save
  • Create a CSV file with the header search and all search values under it
  • Hit the run button for the newly created collection
  • Set the Iterations field to the number of queries you have. In this example it is 4
  • Look for the field Data, select the created CSV file
  • Ensure the data is correctly being picked up by hitting the Preview button
  • Hit Run test
  • You can view the output in the Postman Console

To open Postman Console Head to View in the application menu, and click on "Show Postman Console" or use the keyboard shortcut (CMD/CTRL + ALT + C) to open.

