create a post request using poltergeist and capybara

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-02-24 12:01:32


I'm transitioning from Capybara backed by the default Rack driver to Capybara backed by Poltergeist.

For frustrating reasons, I need to manipulate session data before loading a page. But I couldn't figure out how to manipulate the session directly with the Rack driver, so I

Capybara.current_session.driver.submit :post, "/current_search", {:session => :data }

Unfortunately, the Poltergeist driver object has no submit method, as the Rack driver had.

There are three possibilities:

  • How do I submit a POST request with poltergeist/phantomjs? (Implementing this seems the easiest)
  • How can I manipulate session data directly with poltergeist/phantomjs?
  • I can restructure the code so that manipulating session data directly is no longer necessary. This would be time-consuming and is low-priority.

PS: due to being on Ruby 1.8, we are stuck on Poltergeist v1.0.2


The idea of capybara is to test user interaction, so you can do the POST request in the same way a user would do.

On your case it would be something like:

visit '/search'
fill_in '.search-box', :with => "search query"
click_on "Submit"

Is there any reason to not do it this way?

