OpenGL and Remote Desktop

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-02-21 13:09:08


I have trouble using OpenGL over Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) on a Windows 10 computer. The server has an NVIDIA GEFORCE 8600 GT. Yet, OpenGL reports the card is a GDI Generic Device. The driver is up to date v342.01

I know for sure OpenGL over RDC is possible for I am able to do so with another server equipped with a Quadro.

Do I need to enable an option in Windows for it to work? Or is it jus not possible with this graphic card?


Is MS Remote Desktop necessary in your case?

  1. If it is - you can try to use scheduler to start OpenGL app. Here is a simple powershell script to do this remotely (it assumes you enabled powershell remoting).
  2. If not - try some other remote access software (VNC, TeamViewer or something similar)


Dude i know there is a solution, but for now i only know that works with admin users, and you jhay to instal de pstools, here es the code, of the bat, also create a shortcut for the bat and run it as an admin.

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F %%A in ('qwinsta') do (
    set tempSessionName=%%A
    if "!tempSessionName:~0,1!"==">"  (
        psexec -s tscon.exe !tempSessionName:~1! /dest:console

this code will take you out of your session, you will need to add a line to open your software at the end, you need to recconect again and will open the software that you need included the opengl


Depending on your needs my answer can be helpful or not. I discovered a solution by chance days ago. OpenGL RDP doesn't work with NVIDIA GeForce Cards but it does with Intel integrated GPU.

So, if you only want OpenGL via RDP you can try using the integrated one if you have it. The way at least on desktops is to start the PC without any monitor attached (or attach it to the Intel card port). It will start using the Intel card instead of the NVIDIA one and RDP will render correctly OpenGL using the Intel card.

Before placing a negative point think that probably the people with desktops with discrete GPU can find my answer useful.


