时间序列类(非图像类)数据采集以及数据标注工具 Qt 实现

久未见 提交于 2020-02-06 17:01:36




Based on Qt 5.12.2 MSVC2017 32bit
This program is used for imu data aquisition and imu data processing.


  1. Lpsensor library is used to get imu data from Lp sensors.
  2. Protocol Buffer is used for encoding imudata to a kind of structed data, and these datasets will be transmitted by Tcp/IP.

The difference with ImuDAQ

  1. ImuDAQ-ImuDataProcesser has all function in ImuDAQ(ImuSend),and it used GUI to replace cmd to achieve human-computer interaction.
  2. ImuDAQ-ImuDataProcesser adds QCamera model to get image corresponding to every signal.
  3. ImuDAQ-ImuDataProcesser adds ImuDataProcesser to this application to visualize data.
    the main qt models as follow in *.pro file.
    QT       += charts
    QT       += multimedia multimediawidgets

