D3 pack layout with variable padding

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-02-06 06:41:27


I am not able to get variable padding using d3.layout.pack().padding(). I want to put different padding at group and at leaf nodes.

        .size([this.width , this.height])
        .children(function (d) {
            return d.values;
        .value(function (d){
            return 1;
        .padding(function (d){
            return d.padding;
            values: outerClusterData

        // Sample data 
        outerClusterData = [
                key: "africa",
                padding: 100,
                values: [
                        name: "city1",
                        padding: 10
                        name: "city2",
                        padding: 10 
                key: "India",
                padding: 100,
                values: [
                        name: "city3",
                        padding: 10
                        name: "city4",
                        padding: 10 

Above is the my code. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Ankit


Consider the structure as following:

 <g class="content-group">

Step 1: Set the minimum radius using radius accessor to some constant value.

Step 2: After Step 1, The grouped circle will be quiet large, as radius of the grouped circle is padding + space occupied by inner circles

Step 3: Set ViewPort using height and width, using height and width attribute, Once the content is drawn, Get the bounding box of g.content-group, using d3.select('g.content-group').node().bbox(), This will give you x,y,height,width. Which can be used to set the attributes of viewbox = "x y width height"

Lets the viewport be widthVP * heightVP, and viewBox be "x y width height", Then the new coordinate system will have unit which will be equal to widthVP/width in x direction and heightVP/height in y direction.

Thanks, Ankit

