JavaScript new Function scope ReferenceError

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-02-02 08:16:25


is there any way to make the code below working?

    var n = "abc";
    (new Function("return alert(n);"))();

If I run the code in browser result is: "Uncaught ReferenceError: n is not defined".

Also, I need to some other variables like "n" make accessible inside the "new Function" too.

Please help, Thank you


So you need to make that variables global.

    window.n = "abc";
    (new Function("return alert(n);"))();


When you use the new Function method (which is similar to eval by the way), your code is executed in the global scope! n only exists inside that anonymous function, it's not global.

You shouldn't be using new Function unless it's 100% necessary.

    var n = "abc";
    (function(){return alert(n);})();

P.S. alert returns undefined so return alert() doesn't do anything useful.

