Doesn't ASP.NET Web Api Model Binding Use Newtonsoft (JSON.NET)

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-26 00:59:46


As far as I understand, Web Api uses Newtonsoft (JSON.NET) serializer/deserializer when model binding. But when I use [JsonProperty(Required = Required.AllowNull)] attribute for a model property, it does not work. I omit the property in JSON but model binder does not throw exception or make the ModelState.IsValid false. My questions are:

  1. Why does it not work if Web Api is using Json.Net? Is there a simple solution like a configuration change?
  2. If I have to use a custom model binder in order to use a deserializer that respects such attributes, should my model binder just implement the IModelBinder interface or should it inherit from some default model binder implementation?

