eb.exe deploy": Errno 13 Permission denied: './pagefile.sys'

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-01-25 05:37:26


I am compiling a website using TeamCity on a server and need to deploy the compiled website to AWS.

As my last build step, I use the Elastic Beanstalk CLI to deploy: "C:\Python34...\eb.exe deploy".

eb init has already been run...but whenever I run "eb deploy", (even when I run it from the command line in an empty directory--which should deploy a default project to AWS), an error appears saying:

Error: PermissionError :: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './pagefile.sys'

I have already run the command on my local machine without any problems; I receive the error on the server regardless of whether I am running the command line as an administrator.

I am wondering if this is a permissions issue with the server, or something else? I haven't been able to achieve much insight from the other questions, because they seem to have been solved on a case-by-case basis.


pagefile.sys is the Windows swap file.

It is a special file which cannot be written or manipulated. Whatever your command is doing you need to fix your command so it that doesn't touch this file and ignores it.

