Xcode 6 beta color picker issue

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-24 17:42:10


Problem: The color picker isn't picking up the exact color. This is the same problem listed here: Wrong color in Interface Builder's color picker

I've tried:

  1. Color picker -> gear button next to sliders -> select Generic RGB.
  2. System Preferences -> Displays -> Color Profile -> Generic RGB Profile.
  3. Disabled any apps that may affect color profile (Datacolor SpyderPro, Flux).

I've looked at these questions already:

Wrong color in Interface Builder's color picker

Weird colors in XCode Interface Builder?

Wrong color in Interface Builder

I've tried their answers and no luck.


It seems like the colorPicker is changing the colorProfile to sRGB if you change the RGB or the HEX-Values over and over again.

BUT if you change the profile to "Apple RGB" and choose the desired RGB-Values via the slider the profile will not change! I have been able to select the needed color this way - hope it helps...

(under some circumstances (which I unfortunately cannot reproduce yet) the profile will not be changed during entering the rgb-value)

