.net standard class library - not support Distributed Transaction error

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-24 15:29:06


I developed a logging service in .net standard class library project. It is perfectly working without System.Transaction (TransactionScope class).
When I add transaction to a process, logger insert method throws an exception. [This platform does not support distributed transactions.]

When I add code to core console app with System.Transaction it works.

Is .net standard not supporting System.Transaction(TransactionScope)?

NOTE: For now : .net core and nugets are lastest.

  • Distribution Transaction Coordinator service is working,
  • EF Core version: 2.1.0 preview2-final,
  • Class library versions .NET Standard 2.0
  • AspNetCore 2.0.5

I realized that exception throws when I try to open second connection in same database with in the same TransactionScope block. post


The error message you are mentioning points to this is running on .NET Core and that you are trying to use/create a Distributed Transaction.

Browsing the code for DistributedTransaction in the CoreFx repo it looks like Distributed Transactions are not supported on .NET Core.

