“message”:“No living connections”,“node_env”:“production”

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-23 05:20:43


I'am trying to install Kibana 4 in my machine but it's giving the following errors.

{"@timestamp":"2015-04-15T06:25:50.688Z","level":"error","node_env":"production","error":"Request error, retrying -- connect ECONNREFUSED"}
{"@timestamp":"2015-04-15T06:25:50.693Z","level":"warn","message":"Unable to revive connection:","node_env":"production"}
{"@timestamp":"2015-04-15T06:25:50.693Z","level":"warn","message":"No living connections","node_env":"production"}
{"@timestamp":"2015-04-15T06:25:50.698Z","level":"fatal","message":"No Living connections","node_env":"production","error":{"message":"No Living connections","name":"Error","stack":"Error: No Living connections\n  at sendReqWithConnection (/home/kibana-4.0.0-rc1-linux-x64/src/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:174:15)\n


The ECONNREFUSED is telling you that it can't connect to Elasticsearch. The tells you what it's trying to connect to.

You need to modify the config/kibana.yml and change the elasticsearch_url setting to point to your cluster. If you are running Elasticsearch on the same box, the correct value is http://localhost:9200.


There is another reason why this might happen in the case you are using AWS Elasticsearch service.

No grant right access policies for ES and not loading right AWS credential will be the root cause.


Your elastic search is down. In my case it was because the environment variable Java_Home was not set correctly.You have to manually set it. These are the guides lines to do it :

  1. Go to your PC Environments.

  2. Create a new variable,with variable name Java_Home. The variable value should be java installation path.

  3. Make sure your path has no spaces. If your Java is in Program Files(x86) you can use shortcut which is : progra~2 instead of Program Files(x86).

As a result you have something like this : C:\Progra~2\Java\jre1.8.0_131

