How to depend on this maven project

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-01-17 09:48:08


My projects consists of three sub-projects, and my parent pom looks like:




Now my project needs to dependent this project below, which comprises three subprojects, with a parent pom. In particular, it already has a parent as below:



My question is, how can I declare the dependency in my parent pom file? I can add another module to my parent pom:


But since this library already defined its own parent "oss-parent", then how can I make my parent pom as its parent?

What's the right way for my project to depend on this project? Thank you.

EDITTED: My pom.xml

 <project >









If your pom.xml has something like the following, it should work:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


No you don't add modules to your pom which refer to other peoples modules.

When executing mvn install and or mvn deploy it will copy the artifacts defined in the pom.xml files into the local or a remote repository. So hopefully the project you want to depend on is available in maven central.

what I would suggest is to add a dependency management section into your parent pom.xml:


in the pom.xml of one of your own modules add that dependency you need into the dependencies section: Note the version is now defined in the parent.


I would recommend to not use -SNAPSHOT versions of other people applications - it often causes build failures depending on when the snapshot was created and when maven retrieves it.

If sphinx is not in a repository you first need to do a mvn install locally

And I would recommend the maven tutorials:


they explain quite a lot as well :)

