How do you get the value of the JFrame title? [closed]

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-17 05:05:12


I want to be able to get the string from the JFrame. This is because the title of the JFrame is not constant and is dependent on variables.

Is there a way to assign to a string variable the text of the title?

    private void submitButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                             
        String LeaseName = jTextField2.getText().toLowerCase();
        String sld[]  =jDateChooser1.getDate().toString().split(" ");
        String startLeasingDate = sld[0]+","+sld[1]+","+sld[5].toLowerCase();
        String eld[]  =jDateChooser1.getDate().toString().split(" ");
        String EndLeasingDate = eld[0]+","+eld[1]+","+eld[5].toLowerCase();
        String leaseAmount = jTextField3.getText();
        String text = jTextField1.getText();
        int floor = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(6, 7));
        int flat = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(13));
        //String name NewLease2.getTitle;

The class name is called NewLease2 and this is the function I want to perform when the user presses a button.


Why dont you try:

JFrame j = new JFrame("My Title here");
String whatTitle = j.getTitle();


In the constructor of the JFrame, you could set a private instance variable and assign it the value of the title.

This will store the original value for the title of your instance object.

public class MyJFrame extends JFrame {
    private String originalTitle;

    public String getOriginalTitle() {
        return this.originalTitle;

    public MyJFrame() {

        this.originalTitle = this.getTitle(); // Store a snapshot of the title.


I got it. Thanks so much for your help Xoce 웃 Пepeúpa. I just said this in my function.

 private void submitButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                             
        String LeaseName = jTextField2.getText().toLowerCase();
        String sld[]  =jDateChooser1.getDate().toString().split(" ");
        String startLeasingDate = sld[0]+","+sld[1]+","+sld[5].toLowerCase();
        String eld[]  =jDateChooser1.getDate().toString().split(" ");
        String EndLeasingDate = eld[0]+","+eld[1]+","+eld[5].toLowerCase();
        String leaseAmount = jTextField3.getText();
        String text = jTextField1.getText();
        int floor = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(6, 7));
        int flat = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(13));
        JFrame j = this;
        String m =j.getTitle(); // << This is the bit that gets the title.

And now it works :)

