shell:Common Startup as a parameter to XCOPY

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-16 19:03:07


I have a simple batch script that copies a file to the startup folder, but it appears that I can't use shell:Common Startup as a parameter to xcopy. I have tried this

xcopy hurrdurr.exe "shell:Common Startup"

and many other variations, and they don't work. As an aside, if this did work, "hurrdurr.exe" would run on every startup right, assuming I got clearance via uac to do the xcopy operation? Would using a environment variable be better? The os in question is Windows XP and proceeding.


I'm not sure why your shell command won't work, but if you need to get your program to load on startup then I would much prefer using the registry, it's cleaner and simpler, and it means you don't have to copy the file somewhere else, especially if that file is dependant on other things.

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "Hurrdurr" /d "hurrdurr.exe" /f

Just run cmd as admin and it will work :)

If you do want to use the startup folder though, on Win7 you can use

"%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

I would also use a shortcut as @David suggested instead of copying the actual file.

