The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-27 13:26:27

I found that, I am using a different InstallUtil from my target .NET Framework. I am building a .NET Framework 4.5, meanwhile the error occured if I am using the .NET Framework 2.0 release. Having use the right InstallUtil for my target .NET Framework, solved this problem!

BadImageFormatException, in my experience, is almost always to do with x86 versus x64 compiled assemblies. It sounds like your C++ assembly is compiled for x86 and you are running on an x64 process. Is that correct?

Instead of using AnyCPU/Mixed as the platform. Try to manually set it to x86 and see if it will run after that.

Hope this helps.

I found another strange reason and i thought maybe another developer confused as me. I did run install.bat that created to install my service in developer Command Prompt of VS2010 but my service generated in VS2012. it was going to this error and drives me to crazy but i try VS2012 Developer Command Prompt tools and everything gone to be OK. I don't no why but my problem was solved. so you can test it and if anyone know reason of that please share with us. Thanks.

Check if the manifest is a valid xml file. I had the same problem by doing a DOS copy command at the end of the build, and it turns out that for some reason I can not understand "copy" was adding a strange character (->) at the end of the manifest files. The problem was solved by adding "/b" switch to force binary copy.

First try to open the file with a decompiler such as ILSpy, your dll might be corrupt. I had this error on an online web site, when I downloaded the dll and tried to open it, it was corrupt, probably some error occurred while uploading it via ftp.

I got the error in the following case:

  1. A .NET EXE file (#1) was referencing another .NET EXE file (#2)
  2. I was trying to obfuscate EXE #2 with Themida
  3. when running the EXE #1 it was crashing with the error "The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest"

I simply avoided the obfuscation and the error is gone. not a real solution, but at least I know what caused it...
