Deprojection without Intrinsic Camera Matrix

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-01-16 08:47:12


I am trying to verify a solution to deprojecting a pixel point (u,v) into a 3D world location (x,y,z) using only the camera's extrinsic rotation and translation in addition to (u,v).

The proposed solution

I have modeled the problem in Unreal, where I have a virtual camera with world position (1077,1133,450) and rotation yaw=90, pitch=345, roll=0 degrees. I have an object of known 3D position (923,2500,0) seen by the 1280x720 camera at pixel location (771,426) or frame center position (131,-66).

The transpose of my rotation matrix is:

[[ 5.91458986e-17  9.65925826e-01 -0.00000000e+00]
[-1.00000000e+00  6.12323400e-17  0.00000000e+00]
[-1.58480958e-17 -2.58819045e-01  9.65925826e-01]]

My Tx_Ty_Tz matrix is:

[ 1077.        ]
[ -141.42464373]]

My dx_dy_dz matrix is

[[ -63.75110454]
[-131.        ]
[  18.0479828 ]]

And I end up with location (-1593,50,0) as the deprojected world coordinate, which is clearly wrong. Is one of my matrices incorrectly calculated? If not, is the method provided flawed / incomplete?


The proposed solution in the link does not appear to be accurate as the intrinsic camera matrix should be required for deprojection.

