Kafka, new storage

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-16 06:46:10


I'm trying to add new storage for Kafka, here is what I have already done:

  1. Add, prepare and mount storage under Linux OS
  2. Add new storage in Kafka Broker: log.dirs: /data0/kafka-logs,/data1/kafka-logs
  3. Restart Kafka Brokers
  4. New directories under /data1/kafka-logs has been created but the size is:

du -csh /data1/kafka-logs/ 156K /data1/kafka-logs/

And the size isn't growing only the old /data0 is used.

What I'm missing? What should I do more to solve this problem? The storage is almost full, and the /data1 is still not used.


When you add a new data storage path for Kafka, the old data does not start automatically rebalancing on this disc. The new storage will be used when you are, for example, create a new topic, or increase the number of partitions in the existing ones.

In that case, if you need to move some data to a new disk, you will need to use manual data rebalancing. For more details see: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Replication+tools

In your case, to prevent the complete exhaustion of disk space, you can for some time to reduce the lifetime of the topic (retention.ms), otherwise the broker will fall.


I can only guess - but for me it sounds like you did NOT created a new topic or increased the number of partitions of your current topic(s). Kafka will not move the existing partitions into the new log.dir. According to the kafka documentation:

... Each new partition that is created will be placed in the directory which currently has the fewest partitions. - https://kafka.apache.org/08/configuration.html

