ClosedXML Excel filter rows by values in multiple columns

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-01-15 03:24:11


I have a Excel file with several thousand rows and columns up to "BP". I need to filter all of these rows by specific values in columns C and BP.

I tested the filter functionality in ClosedXML as per the code below.

When I apply a filter to one column all works well and the data is saved in the new file.

When I try to apply two filters, the last one executed is the one that is applied.

I have tried to use the worksheet as a Range/Table, same filtering problem.

I eventually created the "rows" expression, that works, but the 1st row (header) is filtered out.

public static void Filter(string source, string newFile)
        using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook(source))
            IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheet(1);

            int salesFoundCell = worksheet.FirstRow().Cells().First(c => c.Value.ToString() == "Sales Order Description").Address.ColumnNumber;
            int revenueFoundCell = worksheet.FirstRow().Cells().First(c => c.Value.ToString() == "Revenue recognition date").Address.ColumnNumber;

            //worksheet.RangeUsed().SetAutoFilter().Column(salesFoundCell).EqualTo("Equipment Sale");

            //var rows = worksheet.RowsUsed().Where(r => r.CellsUsed().Any(c => c.GetString().Contains("Equipment Sale")) && 
            //                                          r.CellsUsed().Any(c => c.GetString().Contains("00.00.0000")));



I also tried the method posted on the ClosedXML wiki, where you save the worksheet as a MemoryStream, reapply the filter and then save it to a new file.

This is the short version:

public void Create(string filePath)
        var wb = new XLWorkbook();
        IXLWorksheet ws;

        #region Multi Column
        String multiColumn = "Multi Column";
        ws = wb.Worksheets.Add(multiColumn);

        // Add filters
        ws.RangeUsed().SetAutoFilter().Column(3).Between("B", "D");

        // Sort the filtered list

        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())

            var workbook = new XLWorkbook(ms);

            #region Multi Column 
            workbook.Worksheet(multiColumn).AutoFilter.Sort(3, XLSortOrder.Descending);


I went through several iterations of the below two expressions:

worksheet.RangeUsed().SetAutoFilter().Column(salesFoundCell).EqualTo("Equipment Sale");

I tried filtering directly on the columns, as a range, as a table, trying to hide the rows that did not have the required values.

All of it either filters based on one column or not at all.

The "expression.AddFilter(some value).AddFilter(some other value);" does not help as I am not trying to add multiple filters on the same column

The "And/Or" functionality does the same, multiple filters on the same column.

Has anyone managed to filter based on values in multiple columns?

Any advice is much appreciated.


Try the below sorting method found here

myRange.SortColumns.Add(firstColumnNumber, XLSortOrder.Ascending);
myRange.SortColumns.Add(secondColumnNumber, XLSortOrder.Ascending);


Here's my answer. I struggled with the same problem for a while.

The key is the sort, which has to be done after you define the filters.

var excelTable = TableRange.CreateTable();
excelTable.AutoFilter.Column(26).AddFilter("Filter 1");
excelTable.AutoFilter.Column(26).AddFilter("Filter 2");
excelTable.AutoFilter.Sort(1, XLSortOrder.Ascending);

