Best way to work with timespans?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-14 14:00:09


Is there a preferred class or method for working with timespans in PHP? The primary functionality I am interested in is checking if a date is within the timespan, or generating timestamps for the lower and upper limits.


use the unix timestamp. If it's mysql data, then you can store timestamps like this, if not then you can also convert mysql datetimes to unix timestamps.

There is a bunch of documentation on the functionality pertaining to this at the site, but it's all relatively simple and easy to use.

Good luck.


There's also the DateTime class, which is useful for dealing with time.


i prefer using unix timestamps, you can then check

if($time > $lower && $time < $upper)
  echo $time is inside bounds


In my experience (time data acquisition systems, mainly), the absence of a proper "Span" supporting library leads to jump-out-of-the-window bugs quite soon.

My advice: create a Span class, foresee it to handle inclusive and exclusive endpoints from the beginning. It's often quite important to be able to create spans with different inclusion semantics: January = Span (1/1, 31/1) = Span (1/1, 1/2(, ....


Definitely the Unix timestamp if your spans never cross its boundaries (1970/01/01 to 2037/03/xx). If you never need to know the length of a span (how many days between 2009/03/05 and 2009/08/22?) then strings in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format (or other similar formats) work just as easily for determining if a datetime is between two other datetime values.

