Where do Internal testers download Google Play Android apps?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-14 07:03:15


I thought I need just this link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.here.myapp.name to download an app from Play Store, but when I click on it from tester account (which in tester list) I can only see


The link of testing will be https://play.google.com/apps/testing/packagename and you can find that in Alpha/Beta publish tab.

https://play.google.com/apps/publish --> Select app --> Release Management --> App Release --> Alpha/Beta --> Manage --> Opt-in URL (URL for testing)

Updated to add tester (Close test)

Add testers

  1. On the left menu, select Settings Settings > Manage testers > Create a list.
  2. Type a name to identify your list of testers. You can use the same list for future tests on any of your apps.
  3. Add email addresses and create list.
  4. On the left menu,select Release management > App releases.
  5. Next, to the closed track, select Manage.
  6. Next to "Choose a testing method," select Closed Testing.
  7. In the "Users" section, check the box next to the list you want to use.
  8. List of will be notified and selected user can accept the invitation and test the app.


On the Play Console, there is an opt-in url that needs to be sent to the internal testers before they can be able to download the app

