Caliburn Micro : passing Object between ViewModel

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-14 02:00:34


I'm developing a simple Crud Application (a windows 8.1 store application) using Caliburn Micro 2.0.0-alpha2

I'm in trouble with navigation between viewmodels, passing object.

I read many times the solution proposed by

Anders Gustafsson (How to pass parameter to navigated view model with WinRT Caliburn.Micro?)

and i tried to adapt it to my scope. But the object is alwais null.

I need to pass a single object selected from a listView to my crudPage. The crudPage is composed by an userControl that shown the FormView. So i want to initialize this Form, with the values of the passed object.

I think that the problem is that the "Parameter" is initialized only after the ViewModel is created, but i don't know how to fix that problem.

There is my code, according with the idea of Anders Gustafsson

TransporterListViewModel (a list of Transporters from Database)

public class TransporterListViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public TransporterListViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
        : base(navigationService)

    public async void LoadData() {

        _transporters = await TransporterService.GetAll();

    private BindableCollection<Transporter> _transporters;

    public BindableCollection<Transporter> Transporters
            return this._transporters;
            this._transporters = value;
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Transporters);

    private Transporter _selectedItem;
    public Transporter SelectedItem

            return _selectedItem;

            _selectedItem = value;
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedItem);

            navigationService.Navigated += NavigationServiceOnNavigated;
            navigationService.Navigated -= NavigationServiceOnNavigated;

    private static void NavigationServiceOnNavigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs args)
        FrameworkElement view;
        TransporterCrudPageViewModel transporterCrudPageViewModel;
        if ((view = args.Content as FrameworkElement) == null ||
            (transporterCrudPageViewModel = view.DataContext as TransporterCrudPageViewModel) == null) return;

        transporterCrudPageViewModel.InitializeTransporterForm(args.Parameter as Transporter);

TransporterCrudViewModel (the page that cointains the UserControl to initialize)

public class TransporterCrudPageViewModel : ViewModelBase
    public string Title { get; set; }

    public Transporter Parameter { get; set; }
    public TransporterFormViewModel TransporterFormVM { get; set; }

    public async void InitializeTransporterForm(Transporter enumerable)
        TransporterFormVM = new TransporterFormViewModel(navigationService, enumerable);
        await SetUpForm(enumerable);

    public async Task SetUpForm(Transporter t){
        TransporterFormVM.trName = t.trName;
        TransporterFormVM.trUrl = t.trUrl;

    public TransporterCrudPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
        : base(navigationService)
        Title = "TransporterCrud Page";
        //this.navigationService = navigationService;



TransporterFormViewModel (the userContol to initialize)

    public class TransporterFormViewModel :ViewModelBase

    public string Title { get; set; }

    public Transporter Transporter { get; set; }

    public TransporterFormViewModel(INavigationService navigationService,Transporter trans)
        : base(navigationService)
        Transporter = trans;

    private string _trName;
    public string trName 
            return _trName;
            _trName = value;
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => trName);

    public string trCode { get; set; }
    public string trUrl { get; set; }

    public int trId { get; set; }


In the constructor TransporterCrudViewModel class you have:


where Parameter is a property of type Transporter not initialized and you will call the method InitializeTransporterForm with a null parameter. Then you'll call SetUpForm method with a null value of the parameter Transporter t. I think you should initialize in some way this property.

Then, supposing you're continuing in your TransporterListViewModel class with this:

transporterCrudPageViewModel.InitializeTransporterForm(args.Parameter as Transporter);

in the method InitializeTransporterForm, you don't set the passed parameter as value of the property Parameter with something like this:

public async void InitializeTransporterForm(Transporter enumerable)
     TransporterFormVM = new TransporterFormViewModel(navigationService, enumerable);
     this.Parameter = enumerable; //setting the Parameter property..
     await SetUpForm(enumerable);

Beside these notes, you should put a breakpoint with your IDE in the line

transporterCrudPageViewModel.InitializeTransporterForm(args.Parameter as Transporter);

Make sure that the property Parameter of the NavigationEventArgs object is not null.

