3d point closest to multiple lines in 3D space

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-13 13:50:13


I search for non iterative, closed form, algorithm to find Least squares solution for point closest to the set of 3d lines. It is similar to 3d point triangulation (to minimize re-projections) but seems to be be simpler and faster?

Lines can be described in any form, 2 points, point and unit direction or similar.


Let the i th line be given by point ai and unit direction vector di. We need to find the single point that minimizes the sum of squared point to line distances. This is where the gradient is the zero vector:

Expanding the gradient,

Algebra yields a canonical 3x3 linear system,

where the k'th row (a 3-element row vector) of matrix M is

with vector ek the respective unit basis vector, and

It's not hard to turn this into code. I borrowed (and fixed a small bug in) a Gaussian elimination function from Rosettacode to solve the system. Thanks to the author!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef double VEC[3];
typedef VEC MAT[3];

void solve(double *a, double *b, double *x, int n);  // linear solver

double dot(VEC a, VEC b) { return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]; }

void find_nearest_point(VEC p, VEC a[], VEC d[], int n) {
  MAT m = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
  VEC b = {0, 0, 0};
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    double d2 = dot(d[i], d[i]), da = dot(d[i], a[i]);
    for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii) {
      for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj) m[ii][jj] += d[i][ii] * d[i][jj];
      m[ii][ii] -= d2;
      b[ii] += d[i][ii] * da - a[i][ii] * d2;
  solve(&m[0][0], b, p, 3);

void pp(VEC v, char *l, char *r) {
  printf("%s%.3lf, %.3lf, %.3lf%s", l, v[0], v[1], v[2], r);

void pv(VEC v) { pp(v, "(", ")"); } 

void pm(MAT m) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) pp(m[i], "\n[", "]"); } 

// Verifier
double dist2(VEC p, VEC a, VEC d) {
  VEC pa = { a[0]-p[0], a[1]-p[1], a[2]-p[2] };
  double dpa = dot(d, pa);
  return dot(d, d) * dot(pa, pa) - dpa * dpa;

double sum_dist2(VEC p, VEC a[], VEC d[], int n) {
  double sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) sum += dist2(p, a[i], d[i]);
  return sum;

// Check 26 nearby points and verify the provided one is nearest.
int is_nearest(VEC p, VEC a[], VEC d[], int n) {
  double min_d2 = 1e100;
  int ii = 2, jj = 2, kk = 2;
#define D 0.01
  for (int i = -1; i <= 1; ++i) 
    for (int j = -1; j <= 1; ++j)
      for (int k = -1; k <= 1; ++k) {
        VEC pp = { p[0] + D * i, p[1] + D * j, p[2] + D * k };
        double d2 = sum_dist2(pp, a, d, n);
        // Prefer provided point among equals.
        if (d2 < min_d2 || i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0 && d2 == min_d2) {
          min_d2 = d2;
          ii = i; jj = j; kk = k;
  return ii == 0 && jj == 0 && kk == 0;

void normalize(VEC v) {
  double len = sqrt(dot(v, v));
  v[0] /= len;
  v[1] /= len;
  v[2] /= len;

int main(void) {
  VEC a[] = {{-14.2, 17, -1}, {1, 1, 1}, {2.3, 4.1, 9.8}, {1,2,3}};
  VEC d[] = {{1.3, 1.3, -10}, {12.1, -17.2, 1.1}, {19.2, 31.8, 3.5}, {4,5,6}};
  int n = 4;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) normalize(d[i]);
  VEC p;
  find_nearest_point(p, a, d, n);
  if (!is_nearest(p, a, d, n)) printf("Woops. Not nearest.\n");
  return 0;

// From rosettacode (with bug fix: added a missing fabs())
#define mat_elem(a, y, x, n) (a + ((y) * (n) + (x)))

void swap_row(double *a, double *b, int r1, int r2, int n)
  double tmp, *p1, *p2;
  int i;

  if (r1 == r2) return;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    p1 = mat_elem(a, r1, i, n);
    p2 = mat_elem(a, r2, i, n);
    tmp = *p1, *p1 = *p2, *p2 = tmp;
  tmp = b[r1], b[r1] = b[r2], b[r2] = tmp;

void solve(double *a, double *b, double *x, int n)
#define A(y, x) (*mat_elem(a, y, x, n))
  int i, j, col, row, max_row, dia;
  double max, tmp;

  for (dia = 0; dia < n; dia++) {
    max_row = dia, max = fabs(A(dia, dia));
    for (row = dia + 1; row < n; row++)
      if ((tmp = fabs(A(row, dia))) > max) max_row = row, max = tmp; 
    swap_row(a, b, dia, max_row, n);
    for (row = dia + 1; row < n; row++) {
      tmp = A(row, dia) / A(dia, dia);
      for (col = dia+1; col < n; col++)
        A(row, col) -= tmp * A(dia, col);
      A(row, dia) = 0;
      b[row] -= tmp * b[dia];
  for (row = n - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
    tmp = b[row];
    for (j = n - 1; j > row; j--) tmp -= x[j] * A(row, j);
    x[row] = tmp / A(row, row);
#undef A

This isn't extensively tested, but seems to be working fine.


Let base point of line is p and unit direction vector is d. Then distance from point v to this line might be calculated using cross product

SquaredDist = ((v -  p) x d)^2

Using Maple packet symbolic calculation, we can get

d := <dx, dy, dz>;
v := <vx, vy, vz>;
p := <px, py, pz>;
w := v - p;
cp := CrossProduct(d, w);
nrm := BilinearForm(cp, cp, conjugate=false);  //squared dist
nr := expand(nrm);       

//now partial derivatives
nrx := diff(nr, vx);     
nrx := -2*dz^2*px-2*dy^2*px+2*dz^2*vx+2*dy^2*vx
nry := -2*dx^2*py-2*dz^2*py-2*dy*vz*dz+2*dx^2*vy
nrz := -2*dy^2*pz+2*dy^2*vz-2*dy*dz*vy+2*dx^2*vz

To minimize sum of squared distances, we have to make system of linear equations for zero partial derivatives like this:

  vx*2*(Sum(dz^2)+Sum(dy^2)) + vy * (-2*Sum(dx*dy)) + vz *(-2*Sum(dz*dx)) = 
     2*Sum(dz^2*px)-2*Sum(dy^2*px) -2*Sum(dx*py*dy)-2*Sum(dz*dx*pz)

  Sum(dz^2) = Sum{over all i in line indexes} {dz[i] * dz[i]}

and solve it for unknowns vx, vy, vz

Edit: Old erroneous answer for planes instead of lines, left for reference

If we use general equation of line

 A * x + B * y + C * z + D = 0

then distance from point (x, y, z) to this line is

Dist = Abs(A * x + B * y + C * z + D) / Sqrt(A^2 + B^2 + C^2)

To simplify - just normalize all line equations dividing by Norm's

Norm = Sqrt(A^2 + B^2 + C^2)
a = A / Norm
b = B / Norm
c = C / Norm
d = D / Norm

now equation is

 a * x + b * y + c * z  + d = 0

and distance

Dist = Abs(a * x + b * y + c * z + d)

and we can use squared distances like LS method (ai, bi, ci, di are coefficients for i-th line)

F = Sum(ai*x + bi*y + ci * z + d)^2 = 
Sum(ai^2*x^2 + bi^2*y^2 + ci^2*z^2 + d^2 +
2 * (ai*bi*x*y + ai*ci*x*z + bi*y*ci*z + ai*x*di + bi*y*di + ci*z*di))

  partial derivatives
dF/dx = 2*Sum(ai^2*x + ai*bi*y + ai*ci*z + ai*di) = 0
dF/dy = 2*Sum(bi^2*y + ai*bi*x + bi*ci*z + bi*di) = 0
dF/dz = 2*Sum(ci^2*z + ai*ci*x + bi*ci*y + ci*di) = 0
  so we have system of linear equation 
x * Sum(ai^2) + y * Sum(ai*bi) + z * Sum(ai*ci)= - Sum(ai*di)
y * Sum(bi^2) + x * Sum(ai*bi) + z * Sum(bi*ci)= - Sum(bi*di)
z * Sum(ci^2) + x * Sum(ai*ci) + y * Sum(bi*ci)= - Sum(ci*di)

x * Saa + y * Sab + z * Sac = - Sad
x * Sab + y * Sbb + z * Sbc = - Sbd
x * Sac + y * Sbc + z * Scc = - Scd

where S** are corresponding sums

and can solve it for unknowns x, y, z

