How can I catch touchmove events on an element that is added to the DOM after my finger is already on the screen?

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-13 09:21:12


I am working on a Javascript / html5 project for iPad.

I need to be able to catch touchmove events on an element that does not get added to the DOM until after a touchstart event has fired (i.e. until after a person has put their finger on the screen.)

I have tried simulating a touchstart event and firing it programatically...

$( "#container" ).append( element );
element.on( "touchmove", doStuff );
var ev = $.Event( "touchstart" );
element.trigger( ev );

...however this does not work. The only way I can get doStuff to start firing is to lift my finger and then touch the screen again, triggering a second touchstart event.

How can I catch touchmove events on an element that is added to the DOM after my finger is already on the screen?


To summarise, you appear to want :

  • on touchstart: to display and position a styled div element.
  • on touchmove: to drag the element without releasing and re-pressing the mouse button.

If this interpretation is correct, then the answer is to to handle touchmove events on the same element that was originally clicked on - namely the "body" element. It is not necessary to handle touchmove events of the element you want to drag (the added element).

There must be many ways to write the code. Here's one, which is probably not exactly what you want (chiefly in the positioning maths) but should be simple to adapt :

var $element = $("<div class='element' />");

    'touchstart mousedown': function (e) {
        $(this).on('touchmove mousemove', move);
        move(e);//you could do `$(this).trigger('touchmove', e)` but a conventional function call keeps `move` simple.
    'touchend mouseup': function (e) {
        $(this).off('touchmove mousemove');

function move(e) {
        left: (e.pageX - 10) + 'px',
        top: (e.pageY - 10) + 'px',
        cursor: 'pointer'

mousedown/mousemove/mouseup allow for desktop testing and can be removed for touch device usage.



If you just need it to trigger once then it is quite easy

function addElement() {
    $( "body" ).append( element );

    element.on( "touchmove", doStuff );

I checked this on my ipad simulator. I replaced the alert with append so you don't get constantly alerted on ipad.

If you want it to continually trigger, the only possible thing I can think of was to fake the touchmove on the created element

var element = $("<div class='element' />");

$( "body" ).on( "touchstart", addElement );
$(".wrapper").on("touchmove", addElement);

function addElement() {
    $( "body" ).append( element );

    element.on( "touchmove", doStuff );

function doStuff() {
    $('body').append('a ')


<div class="wrapper"></div>


.wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    top: 100px;
    left: 100px;
    width: 300px;
    height: 300px;

The move actually triggers on the already created div wrapper which is in the same spot as the created element


see documentation draggable function

applicate you function

<div id="track" class="track">
<div id="box2" style="left:0; top:0">Drag Me</div>

native javascript

window.addEventListener('load', function(){

 var box2 = document.getElementById('box2'),
 boxleft, // left position of moving box
 startx, // starting x coordinate of touch point
 dist = 0, // distance traveled by touch point
 touchobj = null // Touch object holder

 box2.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e){
  touchobj = e.changedTouches[0] // reference first touch point
  boxleft = parseInt( // get left position of box
  startx = parseInt(touchobj.clientX) // get x coord of touch point
  e.preventDefault() // prevent default click behavior
 }, false)

 box2.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e){
  touchobj = e.changedTouches[0] // reference first touch point for this event
  var dist = parseInt(touchobj.clientX) - startx // calculate dist traveled by touch point
 // move box according to starting pos plus dist
 // with lower limit 0 and upper limit 380 so it doesn't move outside track: = ( (boxleft + dist > 380)? 380 : (boxleft + dist < 0)? 0 : boxleft + dist ) + 'px'
 }, false)

}, false)

