Generating entity relationship diagram in Visual Studio 2015

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-12 19:03:45


Can you tell me how I can generate an ER diagram for my database1 (see below) created with VS 2015

Thanks in advance


DB Objects in the editor will be related as in Diagram so Just relate objects in the Db and drag to editor.


Ensure you installed either Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools or Microsoft Web Developer Tools in order to get the Entity Data Model Designer.

These are the steps to generate entity relationship diagram. It was tested in VS2012

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Create a project or open an existing project (must be Visual Basic, Visual C# project, or Console Application)
  3. Right-click the project and choose Add -> New Item…
  4. Under Visual C# Items select “Data”
  5. Select the template “ADO.NET Entity Data Model”
  6. Give it a name and click “Add”
  7. Select “Generate from database” or “Empty model”
  8. If “Generate from database” selected enter connection info, choose the database objects and done!

The model is stored as a “.edmx” file.


With Visual Studio you can create a static diagram (class diagram) but not entity relationship diagrams (for you DB). You will have to use another tool for this. For SQL server you can use SQL server Management Studio.

