Invalid geo coordinates when searching for venues

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-11 12:34:09


when searching for venues (intent "browse", southwest and northeast provided) I receive the following error:

Invalid geo coordinates (0.400000,0.000000)

What's wrong with these coordinates? I thought latitude is supposed to be in the range -90 to +90 and longitude in the range -180 to +180 ...

Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Carl


This is intended behavior. The vast majority of cases where people send us 0.00 as a lat/long coordinate, it's because of some programming error/mistake, with an uninitialized variable, for example.

So, we return an error, so it's easier to find the mistake, rather than silently returning little-to-no results. If you send 0.00001, it will be treated as perfectly valid, and refer to essentially the same location.


Since your coordinates are even not assigned to a country, this coordinates are not valid. Try using coordinates on dry land.

