In Xcode 11.1 onward, Is there any way to have different Display Name and PRODUCT_NAME?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-11 07:49:05


Our app name contains a "+". Prior to Xcode 11.1 we could have a different Display name and PRODUCT_NAME. However, when we updated to Xcode 11.1, changing the app name automatically changes PRODUCT_NAME. When we upload this archive to the App Store, we get an error:

'invalid bundle' error because of the special character "+" in the PRODUCT_NAME

"Display name" refers to the name we enter in the Display name field in our targets Info.plist.

Can we have a different Display name and Product name in Xcode 11.1 and later? Also, is there a way to successfully upload to the App Store while having a special character in PRODUCT_NAME?


Update your Product Name in your targets Build Settings to not include the special character:

Navigate to your Info.plist for your target and add a new property Bundle display name:


Keep the Bundle Name property value as $(PRODUCT_NAME).

The name that will be displayed below your app icon on device will be the value you've assigned to Bundle Display Name.

