JavaScript pack integers and calculate arbitrary precision float:

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-01-11 06:48:10


I need to do the following in JavaScript and so far been unable to find solutions to do it seamlessly:

  • Grab two integers in a specific order and pack them like Python's struct module.
  • This packed value, (bonus for supporting different endianness than host) will be turned into a 64 bit float (double). They must be arbitrary thus I might get an exponent representation of the integer (say, they could be 0xdeadbeef and 500):

    In exp form: 1.0883076389305e-311 1.0883076389305000 * 10 ^ - 311

  • I need to convert it to the arbitrary precision, non-exponent form, so:


  • That number converted to a string :)

I haven't found a way to do this in Javascript and I have to output some numbers like that which must support arbitrary precision, or at least, of a scale up to the 1024 exponent (or, say 400) of doubles.


Note: I do need the "packing/unpacking' to be a faithful representation of those two numbers converted to a double/64bit float. But I don't care about, say, exporting to a string or raw buffer. As long as I get an arbitrary precision double representation for the double it's all fine.


1: Khronos has a specification in progress for a DataView interface as part of the WebGL TypedArray requirements, which combined with Int32Array and Float64Array would let you write your two ints into a buffer, and read them back out as a double.

Unfortunately browser support for this isn't common yet - to test your browser visit and look at the section entitled "Native binary data".

Without the TypedArray support above I don't think there's any way to do this using bit-twiddling since Javascript's bit operators treat numbers as 32-bit unsigned values, so you'd have no access to the higher-order bits.

2: double variables don't have any specific form, IEE754 is just an internal representation.

3: that's the point at which you can attempt to show the actual precision. Unfortunately the built-in method, e.g. Number.toFixed(), doesn't support showinng more than 20 decimal places. You will need to parse the exponential form and manually construct a string with the appropriate number of leading zeros.

NB - the exponent range of a double is 2^1024, not 10^1024, hence the real limit is actually ~1.0E±308 - your example figure is smaller than that range.

EDIT actually, there might be a way, but I can't guarantee the precision of this:

  1. take your two integers, call them hi and lo.
  2. extract the exponent - exp = (hi >> 20) & 0x7ff
  3. extract the sign - sign = (hi >> 31)
  4. extract the mantissa - ((hi & 0xfffff) * Math.pow(2, 32) + lo) / Math.pow(2, 52)
  5. result = (1 + m) * (Math.pow(2.0, exp - 1023))
  6. if (sign) result *= -1

EDIT 2 - it works! See

var hex2double = function(input) {

    var hi = parseInt(input.substring(0, 8), 16);
    var lo = parseInt(input.substring(8   ), 16);

    var p32 = 0x100000000;
    var p52 = 0x10000000000000;

    var exp = (hi >> 20) & 0x7ff;
    var sign = (hi >> 31);
    var m = 1 + ((hi & 0xfffff) * p32 + lo) / p52;
    m = exp ? (m + 1) : (m * 2.0);

    return (sign ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, exp - 1023);

Enter a floating point number at, take the resulting hex string from the bottom row of output, and pass it to the function above. You should see an alert containing the original value.

EDIT 3 code fixed to account for the special case when the exponent bits are all zero.


I think you need a big number library for JavaScript such as

