How to deploy Applet with dependencies jar using maven and sign it?

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-10 08:54:10


Can someone show me how pom file should look like to create a jar file with applet which depends from some other jars is it possible to have one jar as applet, and how to sign it?


If you would like your classes and the dependencies to appear in one jar file, you should use either the assembly plugin or the one-jar plugin before the jarsigner. I have the following working setup with the assembly plugin, it will produce the normal (signed) jar and a ${artifactId}-${version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar (also signed).



This is sample pom for applet with dependency on other (signed) jar. Code of your applet module will be packaged into jar and signed using test key.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

This is sample shell script to create key store (place and run it where your pom file is located):

keytool -genkey -alias applet -keystore $KEYSTORE -storepass applet -keypass applet -dname "CN=developer, OU=group 3, O=com.example, L=Somewhere, ST=Germany, C=DE"
keytool -selfcert -alias applet -keystore $KEYSTORE -storepass applet -keypass applet

After mvn package you will have your signed com.example.applet-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. Place it together with your dependency (com.example.other-0.4.jar) in your web-application.

