dyld: Symbol not found: _NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate when trying to run iOS app

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-08 17:11:31


My app is crashing with the message:

dyld: Symbol not found: _NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/C7B596AD-FB09-4685-BDFC-7E955A5DD185/IRON TRAINERS.app/IRON TRAINERS Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork in /var/mobile/Applications/C7B596AD-FB09-4685-BDFC-7E955A5DD185/IRON TRAINERS.app/IRON TRAINERS (lldb)

when I try to build and Run. When I remove the CFNetwork from my project, it works, I don't know why.

I just installed Xcode6Beta and opened my project. It was working fine on Xcode5.1.


It works fine on iOS simulator with Xcode 6, the problem is on my device running iOS 7.1.1.


The selected answer below worked for me, although I already had foundation framework explicit added to my project, I had to remove it and add it again. Problem solved, at least, for now. :)


Edited to include two possible steps you need to take:

  1. Make sure you have Foundation framework to your project. (Remove and add it again to be sure).
  2. Make sure the Foundation framework include is before CFNetwork.

There seems to be a change in which headers include what in iOS8.0 (the glextensions file, for example, is no longer in the top header). If you explicitly add Foundation framework to your project, it will build fine. Making CFNetwork optional will, of course, lead to failures and is only a solution for the build error and not a solution overall.


I had a similar issue with UIAlertAction

dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIAlertAction Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/ ....app/ ... Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit in /var/mobile/Applications/ ....app/ ...

Making UIKit.frameWork Optional solved my issue. In your case I am guessing, making your CFNetwork.framework optional will solve your problem too.


Re-ordering in XCode didn't do the trick; I'm using Cocoapods, which creates a Pods.xcconfig file. This has a OTHER_LDFLAGS line. I put -framework Foundation as the first entry, and that's made my project work.

OTHER_LDFLAGS = -framework Foundation -ObjC …

(Beware, this file gets re-generated each time you pod update.)


Reorder your frameworks to have Foundation before CFNetwork.

That's a temporary fix to something that is obviously a bug in Xcode 6.


I ran into this exact problem at WWDC. I spoke to a couple of Apple engineers who told me this is a bug in the SDK caused by moving some symbols between CFNetwork & Foundation, and that it would be resolved in the next release, due very soon. You can work around it in some cases by playing with the order frameworks are imported, but it won't always work.


I had the same problem using sqlite3 with Xcode 6.3 on a device running iOS 8.1.3 and so using sqlite3 v3.7.13.

The C function sqlite3_errstr() was introduced in sqlite3 v3.7.15.

My code was calling sqlite3_errstr().

The application was crashing on launch.

Setting libsqlite3.dylib as optional (rather than required) did the job.


The few times it happened with me a simple Clean (shift + cmd + K) did the trick.


I got some error similar: dyld: Symbol not found: _NSDictionary0 By the link: I reset my related projects' Deployment target to same value: 8.0, then it ok. May be something changed in ios9.0 and ios8.0, so if we want to make 8.0 compatible, we should make the related projects to know.

dyld: Symbol not found: ___NSDictionary0__ when using google ServiceGenerator binary with discovery docs in XCode 7 & iOS target 9.0


Make CFNetwork.framework optional it worked for me


In my case it happened when I updated 3rd party library using CocoaPods.

Simply Clearing Build Folder helped K

