ShareKit beta issues?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-07 04:35:10


I have made a so-called ShareKit beta, it has many fixes for warnings and also features a new SMS share component. This should dramatically be faster on all iOS's. Feel free to download it and of course add a comment if you would like to see a new feature added!



1.0: Fixed most warnings, made some improvements. Also fixed some leaks
1.1: Added SMS capabilities, fixed all warnings and leaks. And made other misc. fixes
1.2 Coming Soon: Will feature the latest FBConnect so it works better on all iOSes. Look at the FBConnect change log to view their fixes in the latest version: Also keep in mind that iOS 5 Beta will encounter some problems but it is the iOS's fault. It should be 100% when the GM build comes out

Download Links
Version 1.1 Site 1 (Never Expires):
Version 1.1 Site 2 (Never Expres):

Also I give a very special thanks to: Sebastien Thuilliez for helping with some of the fixes and bugs!


As you didn't provided any sample source project, but only the library, I used this library on a project that is already using the ShareKit v0.2.1 (lib. which hasn't moved since a while).

Then I successfully logon to Facebook and send content using the SHKFacebook shareItem method, using your implementation. Both login & share content dialogs were displayed correctly.

Note that I had no warnings with FBConnect ( I always treat warnings as errors ).

For information :

  • I am using a iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.1 (8G4)
  • the SHKActionSheet have a major issue with nested modal views ( main cause is the SHKviewDidDisappear method which is clearing the SHK currentHelper singleton currentView element and probably more) ... so perhaps you can add this issue to your road-map. ( haven't tested it with your implementation, but from the code diff. I made, it still seems to be the case )
  • please consider updating your implementation version number which is still the same as the original version v0.2.1 ;)

Please let me know, if you need to do an extra particular test, because regarding the Facebook Sharer it seems to be fine.


You need to update the FBConnect version released with share kit, which is very old and it has stopped working recently.

Furthermore you will need to readapt/redo the SHKFacebook class since most methods of the old API have changed in the new one.

I hope that this helps.


I have created a project using the newer version of ShareKit. It works fine on iOS 4 devices but when I installed the app on an old iPod Touch (iOS 3.1.3) it crashes with the following error

dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_MFMessageComposeViewController

Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/806901B4-D20C-42C7-9F34-0DE0FD4CA085/LER Mapper

Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/MessageUI.framework/MessageUI in /var/mobile/Applications/806901B4-D20C-42C7-9F34-0DE0FD4CA085/LER Mapper

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Not safe to call dlopen at this time.)

mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.

mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.

I fixed it by weak linking the MessageUI framework.

