Gson serialized name: “Implicit super constructor Object() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor”

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-06 18:07:42


I'm new to Android, and I'm trying to learn how to use Gson to parse an API call. I've read around a little bit, and I'm trying to follow this example:

It's going relatively well, but when I imported the project into Eclipse to get a better look at the code, I encountered the error above regarding constructors (as well as a few other confusing errors).

I read some related questions here on StackOverflow, but they all involve inherited classes, and, I may be terribly confused, but I didn't think this class was inherited.

What is causing these errors, and how can I fix them?

If you want a link the the project without digging through the article, it's available here:

Here is the code from the file in question: package;


public class SearchResponse {

public List<Result> results;

public long maxId;

public int sinceId;

public String refreshUrl;

public String nextPage;

public int resultsPerPage;

public int page;

public double completedIn;

public String sinceIdStr;

public String maxIdStr;

public String query;


Thanks in advance.


Your research is correct - the mentioned error is related to constructors and inheritance. It seems that somewhere in your project, you have an Employee class, and that class does not declare a public (or at least protected) null constructor (i.e. a constructor that takes no parameters).

In the provided sample code I could not find any mention of such a class - perhaps something you added to experiment with?

Any case, adding a null constructor to the mentioned Employee class should make some of your problems go away.

