Capturing Android applicataion traffic using FIddler

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-06 16:18:24


So far I managed to capture the traffic of local Java programs & Android browser successfully. However, I failed to capture traffic of my Android application (using HttpsUrlConnection).

While following the steps in this guide to configure the WiFi network on the device, in the step of downloading the certificate I faced an odd behavior as Chrome raised an error and Firefox installed it without opening the expected dialog:

But when I try to download it again, it says that the certificate is already installed.

Anyway, when running my app (on a real device, Karbonn S203 API 19), there are no requests nor tunnels logged in Fiddler. I tried a lot including inspecting this thread to no avail. In other articles I read about showing tunnels only but I don't have them either. Am I missing anything?


EDIT: I managed to install is "correctly" (with the above screen) from Settings -> Security -> Install Certificate after copying if from PC. Still I cannot see the requests in Fiddler.


Apparently the problem occurred due to using some uncommon devices (well, at least uncommon in Europe/North America). They've probably made some configuration changes in their AOSP version. When working the same way with Nexus 5 I managed to add the ceritifcate under 'WiFi' and then captured requests successfully.


Looks like your app does not use Fiddler as a proxy. When you call openConnection do you pass a Proxy object to it? If so, how do you initialize this proxy object?

You might want to try sending some HTTP traffic through first to make sure you are using the correct proxy settings and then try with HTTPS.

