Jerky animation with jquery accordion, don't understand why

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-06 12:46:13


I'm using a number of jQueryUI accordions on a single page inside of AnythingSlider. It used to be that it was pretty smooth, but has gotten jerky.

Now, instead inserting a bunch of code, how about I just give the link and you can look. If it works fine for you, then, well, I just don't know. Of course, if there's more you'd like to have, let me know.

Click here


Seems to work fin, smooth and all.


I've got an aged laptop that sometimes lags behind my year-old Android phone. Your accordions looked slick in Chrome, a little less so in FireFox, and the site was utterly trashed and unintelligible in IE7.

