unable to display the http get response from the factory in controller in Angularjs application

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-01-06 01:34:46


In my service I making http get request as shown below:

.factory('InvoicesGeneralService', function ($http) {
        return {
            getAgreementsByCourierId: function (courierId) {  
            console.log("Courier in Services" + courierId);  
            return $http.get('/api/agreements/byCourierId', {params: {courierId: courierId}}).then(function (response) {
                return response;

And in browser console I am seeing the following response :


And in my controller I am assigning it to result List :

  $scope.resultList  =  InvoicesGeneralService.getAgreementsByCourierId(selCourierId);

But my resultList is always appearing as Empty. Can any one help me, why it is happening? When I am trying to display resultList as shown below, it always shows empty object, {}. It supposed to display the response json array from the service but it is showing empty object.

<pre class="code"> {{resultList | json}}</pre> 


$http returns a promise. Anything consuming that data needs to handle it like a promise too.

InvoicesGeneralService.getAgreementsByCourierId(selCourierId).then(function(data) {
  $scope.resultList = data;

Also, your factory's then function is not doing anything at the moment. You should return the response's data from it.

return $http.get('/api/agreements/byCourierId', {params: {courierId: courierId}}).then(function (response) {
  return response.data;

