sort a SKSpriteNode array according to a specific element

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-05 21:17:20


I have a SKSpriteNode array declared like this :

class rgbNodes: SKSpriteNode

var colorNode = [rgbNodes]()

colorNode.append(rgbNodes(imageNamed: "Rectangle")) // every time we want to add a new element to this array

And I would like to sort every element of this array according to their position.x value, for example, if :

colorNode[0].position.x = 25
colorNode[1].position.x = 5
colorNode[2].position.x = 15

I want the array to be sorted like this :

colorNode[0].position.x = 5
colorNode[1].position.x = 15
colorNode[2].position.x = 25

But how can I manage to do it with the sort command ?


To sort colorNode, you could do this:

colorNode.sort() {
    $0.position.x < $1.position.x

