C++ cyclic dependency confusion with adjacency list representation

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-05 15:11:47


Sorry for my inexperience with C++, but I spent quiet some time with solving a cyclic dependency issue and hence posing this.

I am trying to represent a Adjacency List in C++.

I have struct Node,

struct Node{

    int data;
    unordered_set<Node, Hash> links;

    bool operator == (Node const& other) const{
        return (data == other.data);


    Node(int data){
        this->data = data;

and I have my Hash functor

struct Hash {
    size_t operator()(const Node &node) const {
        return node.data;

I noticed that Hash uses Node and Node uses Hash
If for the purpose of this exercise I want to declare everything in a single file, which one should I declare first.

I tried forward declaration of both Hash and Node with defining either of them first, but none of them compiled.

PS: This is not homework, I'm trying to solve graph algorithm puzzles online


Delay defining Hash::operator() until after defining Node and declare Node before Hash. You can have a reference to an incomplete type as long as you don't do anything with it.

class Node;

class Hash{
        size_t operator()(const Node &node) const;

class Node{
        int data;
        unordered_set<Node, Hash> links;

inline size_t Hash::operator()(const Node &node) const{
    return node.data;


Resolving the syntax by moving the implementation of hash to a point after the Node is fully defined is insufficient. No matter what the order is, you would not be able to compile it, because unordered_set of Node expects the Node to be a complete type, i.e. the type needs to be fully defined.

In addition to splitting out the definition of Hash::operator() you need to change the first type parameter of the unordered_set to a pointer, preferably a smart pointer:

unordered_set<shared_ptr<Node>, Hash> links;
size_t Hash::operator()(const shared_ptr<Node> &node) const{
    return node->data;

A regular pointer would also work, but then you would have to manage memory for your nodes separately - e.g. by placing all nodes in a vector.

