How to load page with accordion open based on external link

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-05 09:35:42


I am working on a FAQ/Helpcenter page for my company. One of the last things we are trying to accomplish is a "top questions section" where users can just click on the question and it opens a link to the page the question is on and the accordion is open to the correct section to display the answer.

$(document).ready(function() {
function close_accordion_section() {
    $('.accordion .accordion-section-title').removeClass('active')
  .find('img').attr('src', '');
    $('.accordion .accordion-section-content').slideUp(300).removeClass('open');

$('.accordion-section-title').click(function(e) {
    // Grab current anchor value
    var currentAttrValue = jQuery(this).attr('href');

    if($(this).is('.active')) {
    }else {

        $(this).find('img').attr('src', '');
        // Add active class to section title
        // Open up the hidden content panel
        $('.accordion ' + currentAttrValue).slideDown(300).addClass('open'); 



This is the jQuery used for the accordion, and the full working code is here One example would be, if we made one of the top questions "How do I sign up to receive promotional emails?", then the page would need to load with accordion section 4 open. We have 8 separate pages with questions on them, so ideally all I would have to do is put in a link with a query after it(or any other way that you could think of) to point to the correct page/question. I really appreciate any help that is offered, thanks everyone.


In the fiddle you use ID's (for example accordion-3) to identify, display and hide the accordion sections. That ID you can also use as an anchor for any link to your faq-pages. Put the following code at the end of the document.ready function:

// current location has anchor
if(location.hash) {
    // find accordion href ending with that anchor
    // and trigger a click

and the link to the page would be somethink like /path/to/faq.html#accordion-3. Where accordion-3 is the anchor / element-ID you'll want to open. Be aware that the page also scrolls to the position of the element with the corresponding ID (accordion-3). To avoid this, you'll either have to scroll to top after trigger the click, or you'll use a GET-parameter instead of location hash.

Update: including a page scrolling to the question

Due the comment below, here a version including a solution to scroll to the active question.

if(location.hash) {
    // the selector 
    var currentTarget = $(".accordion-section-title[href$="+location.hash+"]"),
        offset = {top: 0, left: 0};
    // in case we have a hit...
    if(currentTarget.length) {
        // trigger the click

        // get current offset (relative to document, contains left and top)
        // since the selector is the question (not the answer with the id)
        // this will show the question right on top
        offset = currentTarget.offset();

        // just in case you'll want to add some extra space do it like this:
        // -= 10;

        // and let the page scroll to this position
        $('html, body').animate({
            scrollLeft: offset.left


The updated fiddle is here.


One way you can do that is to pass the question index as a query parameter. Then you would get the parameter value in your code, say, qIndex and then add the following:

//get question index passed via query parameter
var qIndex = .....

$('.accordion-section-title').click(function(e) {
.eq( qIndex ).trigger('click'); //<<<------------


