Razor web pages: How do I create variable that is available to all pages?

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-05 08:03:43


I have a lot of pages that is using the same variables. I would like to create these in a single page so I dont have to type them over and over again. How do I do this?

I tried both _appStart.cshtml and _PageStart.cshtml, but when i run my content page i get error "the name selectedData does not exist in the current context"

Here is my _PageStart.cshtml: (tried _appstart.cshtml too)

var db = Database.Open("razortest");
var selectQueryString  = "SELECT * FROM tbl_stasjon ORDER BY nr";
var selectedData = db.Query(selectQueryString);

And all of my pages includes this:

@foreach(var row in (selectedData)) {

html here...    



For a fairly straight-forward solution you could create a static class/method within App_Code that returns your query object and then call that method wherever you need it:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using WebMatrix.Data;

public static class MyClass
    public static IEnumerable<dynamic> GetData()
        var db = Database.Open("razortest");
        var selectQueryString  = "SELECT * FROM tbl_stasjon ORDER BY nr";
        return db.Query(selectQueryString);

Then in your scripts you can do:

@foreach(var row in MyClass.GetData()) {
    html here...

There will likely be more elegant and performant ways to achieve this but they depend on what exactly you're doing. For the purposes of following a tutorial this should serve your purposes.


You could get use of the session and try to use a controller.


  • Adding a Controller
  • Adding a View
  • Adding a Model

Override OnActionExecuting within your controller (wihtin the constructor the Session is not available)

protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    if (Session != null)
        Session["selectedData"] = "Hello World";

And within the Action

Public ActionResult View1(){
     return View(Session["selectedData"];

Within your view you can handle this data

ViewBag.Title = Model;

That's a simple solution with a string. You can create strongly typed views and get a very comfotable way to handle this data within your views.

