How to get preprocessed code from Dev-c++ under Windows XP?

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-01-05 04:24:16


How to get preprocessed C++ code from DevC++ under Windows XP? I've read about creating gcc -E file.cpp file, but I still can't connect the dots, how to run this file? After I've compiled it everything went as usual.


You simply can't 'run' a preprocessed file. You can just compile and run it, or inspect it for what the preprocessor produced.

E.g. when using GCC you can run

gcc file.cpp -E <all preprocessor options as set from the IDE> -o file_preprocessed.cpp

to get the file_preprocessed.cpp file for inspection.

I don't know for the dev-c++ IDE in particular, but usually you'll get a representation of the actually used compiler flags of a project in the project settings somewhere.



gcc file.cpp -E -o file_preprocessed.cpp

then you can open file_preprocessed.cpp to see the output

