Install marvel plugin for Elasticsearch

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-27 11:42:01

You could try to go to the address with your web browser. If you can download the that way then you can manually create plugins directory under elasticsearch directory and unzip the file in the plugins directory, i.e. the zip contents should go to plugins\marvel directory under ElasticSearch home directory.

Be sure to rename the unzipped directory from marvel-latest to marvel, so that address


suggested in the tutorial works.

I had somewhat similar problem as you with the ElasticSearch version 1.1.1. The

bin\plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest

command gave FileNotFound errors though with the web browser I was able to download the plugin and get it work.

This works for Elasticsearch 2.0+ and Kibana 4.2+ according to

Step 1: Install Marvel into Elasticsearch:

/path/to/elasticsearch/bin/./plugin install license

/path/to/elasticsearch/bin/./plugin install marvel-agent

Step 2: Install Marvel into Kibana

/path/to/kibana/bin/./kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest

Step 3: Start Elasticsearch and Kibana



Step 4: Navigate to http://localhost:5601/app/marvel

Step 5: For installing Sense into Kibana:

/path/to/kibana/bin/./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense


This works for me :

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin
./plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest

output :

-> Installing elasticsearch/marvel/latest...
Downloading ........................................DONE
Installed elasticsearch/marvel/latest into /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/marvel

EDIT: License install

./plugin -i elasticsearch/license/latest

Run your CMD as administrator and the latest marvel download will start.

You can get more Elasticsearch plugins accessing here:

Plugins installed to use with Elasticsearch are saved in the folder '../usr/share/elasticsearch' (by default).

To install Marvel plugin you can do:

cd ../usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest

Acessible in:

Chandan Patra

Try running with proxy if you are behind one. Go to your elasticsearch installation path.

In my case > /usr/share/elasticsearch

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch

bin/plugin -DproxyPort=<porxyPort> -DproxyHost=<proxyHostDNSorIP> install license

bin/plugin -DproxyPort=<porxyPort> -DproxyHost=<proxyHostDNSorIP> install shield

You could try installing manually. following are the steps-

  1. download it from here-
  2. Place it into your server.
  3. cd Path/To/elasticsearch-1.x.x
  4. bin/plugin -i marvel -u file:///Path/where/you/placed/
  5. Restart your elastic search.
  6. Go to any mordern browser and write http://any-server-in-cluster:9200/_plugin/marvel/