Why are my ng-repeat items not filtering as expected here?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-04 13:43:23


Plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/Q34J9szbLeGgc4jkcNUM?p=preview

I have a simple Array called tags, which contains 4 objects with a tweets value and vol value.

When I click the Order by Tweets, or Order by Vol buttons I expect the numbers to make sense, like going from high to low or low to high, but the numbers are out of order.


 <div class="sidebar" ng-controller="sidebar">
  <header class="my-header">
    <button ng-click="reOrderByTweets()">Order by Tweets</button>
    <button ng-click="reOrderByVol()">Order by Vol</button>
    <li ng-repeat="t in tags" ng-mouseleave="leaveTag(t)">
      <div class="tag-container">
        <div class="tag border1"
             ng-mouseover="showTagDetails(t)">{{t.name}} | tweets: {{t.tweets}} | vol: {{t.vol}}</div>
        <tag-details tag="t"></tag-details>


    name: 'Item 1 ', 
    tweets: '412',
    vol: '50'
    name: 'Item 2 ', 
    tweets: '10',
    vol: '500'
    name: 'Item 3 ', 
    tweets: '67',
    vol: '5'
    name: 'Item 4 ', 
    tweets: '0',
    vol: '30'

The functions:

function reOrderByTweets() {
    vs.orderReverse = !vs.orderReverse;
    $scope.tags = $filter('orderBy')($scope.tags, 'tweets', vs.orderReverse);
    console.log('vs.orderReverse = ', vs.orderReverse); // true or false
    console.log('$scope.tags = ', $scope.tags);

function reOrderByVol() {
    vs.orderReverse = !vs.orderReverse;
    $scope.tags = $filter('orderBy')($scope.tags, 'vol', vs.orderReverse);
    console.log('vs.orderReverse = ', vs.orderReverse); // true or false
    console.log('$scope.tags = ', $scope.tags);

As you can see the screenshot below, while ordering by Vol. The item with vol:5 should come last after vol:30

Update: Looks like it's only filtering on the first digit in the numbers? Why would it not take the entire number?

Filtering by tweets clicked once:

Filtering by tweets clicked a 2nd time:


You're ordering by a string value which is done by alphabetical order.

'10' '5' '30'

The string order of this is 10 / 30 / 5.

Changing your 'vol' & 'tweets' to numbers:

      name: 'Item 1 ', 
      tweets: 412,
      vol: 50
      name: 'Item 2 ', 
      tweets: 10,
      vol: 216
      name: 'Item 3 ', 
      tweets: 67,
      vol: 15
      name: 'Item 4 ', 
      tweets: 0,
      vol: 30

Sorts your tweets correctly.

