How do Google Apps Script quotas work for doGet and doPost functions in web apps?

久未见 提交于 2020-01-04 12:47:13


I've read and understand what the quotas are and how they work.

What I can't figure out is how the quotas apply to web apps, specifically with the doGet and doPost functions?

For example:

  • Say a web app serves static HTML content via doGet -- is Script runtime the only quota that would apply?
  • Say a web app services dynamic HTML content via doGet that pulls and displays data from a Sheet -- which quotas apply?
  • What if the web app also accepts form submissions using doPost -- then what?

I understand the quotas are applied to the user how owns the web app. I just can't figure out which quotas apply for the web content side of things. Obviously Script runtime applies but what else?


The following quotas(consumer edition) apply:

  • Script runtime 6min/execution
  • Trigger total runtime: 90min/day
  • Simultaneous execution: 30

UrlFetch quotas (like 50MB/Post size) may also apply to doPost().


From this SO post:

Google removed all limits on the quota of total data received by UrlFetch per day per user. If you have a consumer Gmail account, you can make up to 20000 calls per day. You still have a restriction around the total time that your script can run per day. It is 90 minutes for consumer Gmail accounts.

You can check this documentation for more details.

